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Content state and workflow

Content exists in a number of states during its lifecycle within Mobilizer. These are: 

  • Draft is the modifiable version of the content. In order to make changes to any version of the content, the status should be placed in Draft
  • Send for Approval asks for permission to a user with Approval capability in order to review and accept the content as ready for distribution 
  • Approved content can be broadcasted by users with the Broadcast role 
  • Broadcast makes the content available to users with the Engager role 
  • Unbroadcast makes content unavailable to users with the Engager role 
  • Retire removes and prevents the future broadcast of the content 

Visual indicators display the current status of a piece of content. Each content state is visualised by a variation on a four-dot icon. Below is the key to what each icon means: 

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